PACE Fellows is a cohort program for young adults designed to help them live more fully into their gifts, calling, and leadership of the church. Each PACE Fellow will enter the program with a sponsoring church, pastor, and a liaison to walk alongside them. A successful Fellowship will have elements of relationship building, innovation, confidence building, and reciprocal intergenerational support.

2024-25 Fellows Cohorts

Multi-Sector Business and Entrepreneurship - Partnership with the SPU Center for Faithful Business (Dr. JoAnn Flett)

How do Christians integrate their faith with successful business acumen? How can a young adult marry their concerns with future success with their values and ethical concerns?
This upcoming cohort will be an opportunity for 20-somethings and their intergenerational mentors to dialogue with leaders in PNW businesses (big and small, non- and for-profit) to reflect on the challenges facing young christians integrating their spirituality and their professional lives as well as reflection on how to navigate and create strong intergenerational business relationships.
For a representative sample of the voices past and present that will participate in this year's cohort see the websites for The Center for Faithful Business and 
Faith & Co. film series.
Young adults and mentors who participate in this program:
  • Will have access to leading PNW and National voices in ethically- and spiritually-informed business practice;
  • Will network with peers as well as intergenerationally across the greater Seattle area;
  • Will receive a stipend and create a deeper relationship with their mentor;
  • Will have a clearer sense of how their commitment to  their faith and business practice are related and inform each other;
  • Will gain confidence navigating intergenerational business communities as christians and with christian values.

2024-2025 Schedule:

Program Kickoff Banquet: SEPTEMBER 29 5-8pm, Location TBD
Monthly evening meeting by Zoom (Each Facilitator will choose a different regular night: SEE BELOW)
Program Conclusion Banquet: APRIL 19 4-10pm, Location TBD
Facilitators and special guests (TBA)

Meet This Year Facilitators

Levi Davenport

President of C3 Leaders
Levi Davenport is the President of C3 Leaders, a faith-based non-profit that serves Christian business owners and leaders in the Pacific Northwest. With a B.A. in English Literature and a Masters of Science in Leadership and Ethics, Levi has spent the past 20 years working in administration and as adjunct faculty at three different universities. He and his wife and daughter live in Duvall, WA. Levi has a passion for connecting business leaders to one another and helping equip business leaders to integrate their faith in their work.
Levi's Cohort will meet 2nd Thursdays 5-7pm on 10/10, 11/14, 12/12, 1/9, 2/13. 3/13, 4/10, 5/15

Shannon Zastrow

Executive Advisory Board of the SBGE
Shannon Zastrow is an MBA graduate of SPU and entrepreneur who currently serves on the Executive Advisory Board of the SBGE. His 25+ year career in marketing has taken him from leadership roles at T-Mobile and Starbucks, to now leading an 11 person growth marketing agency and consultancy. Shannon is active in the church serving on worship teams, mentoring, and leading life groups with a particular passion for helping Christians integrate faith and work. Much of his consulting work is focused on helping business leaders understand value creation in a way that is sustainable, profitable, and missional. 
Shannon's Cohort will meet 2nd Wednesdays 5-7pm on 10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/12. 3/12, 4/9, 5/14

Mentorship and Support Requirements

  • Our goal is that each Fellow is connected with a church and have a supporting statement and promise of support from the senior pastor and a liaison (aka mentor), but we have learned to be flexible with that.
  • Both Pastor and Mentor (where identified) are expected to spend some time studying the Mentorship materials in our Foundations program.
  • Mentors are expected to attend meetings with the Fellows to be a quality interlocutor and advocate within the sponsoring congregation.
Funds will be provided for:
  • The young adult, to honor their time and commitment;
  • The mentor, to honor their time and commitment;
  • Time beyond the 2 banquets for the young adult and mentor to have meals or coffee dates together to discuss hurdles and opportunities.
  • *There may be opportunities for seed money or matching monies for promising innovations or starting projects. Likely, the funds would serve to jumpstart projects with the understanding that future efforts would be self-funded, find other funding, or be adopted into the church's budget priorities.

Past Cohorts Programs


Social Justice

Social Justice is a core value for many young people and the prophetic voice they have brought to the church in the last decade has challenged God's people. This cohort plays in the sandbox of innovative ways to bring social justice initiatives into the church and decide what partnerships can help move the needle on faith formation and outreach to the oppressed.


Arts & Artistry

Artistry in the church is often something that feels compromised, marginalized, or inappropriately instrumentalized for other priorities in the church such as evangelism. This cohort will work with facilitators from the Brehm Center to help young adults (and their liaisons) find more comfort operating in the church and advocating for themselves, their peers, and their artistic concerns.